Although many times we are just hired for optical system development or lens design, here are examples of services that we can provide or that can be provided in combination with our partners. Unless you are just looking to hire us for hourly consultation, please provide some details on the scope and requirements so we can define a statement of work (SOW):
Stakeholders and Project Managers assume that everyone knows this, but typically everyone has a different version in their head. This can be updated, but this must be clear and consistent throughout the team. Everyone should understand the KPCs, KPIs and the expected output. Many studies have shown that skipping this step dramatically increases the cost and time to complete a project.
The majority of past work has been performing detailed optical system design using tools like Zemax & Solidworks. However, sometimes MATLAB, Python, OSLO, CODE V, FRED, GLAD, Solstis, Mathcad and other tools have been utilized depending on the resources and requirements. This is the nitty gritty details
We have extensive knowledge in all the disciplines that touch the system to define an architecture that will work for your organization. We will lead you in a good direction for your market, timeline, and compentencies even if that means directing you to a non-optical solution. We then can work with the other disciplines and then provide a detailed solution to the opto-mechanical, laser, optical, photonic, electro-optical, detection or algorithm portion. We always look at the problem holistically, so there is no arguing about tolerances between optical and electrical or optical and mechanical discplines like at many larger organizations
This is the ticket to getting the most value out of your hardware. Typically algorithm development and modeling are done early in the development process or in parallel with the detailed system design; however, sometimes this is updated when calibratin with the final hardware. We mainly use R-Statistics, MATLAB and Python with many modeules for this; however, we have experience with other modeling tools and can work with your software or firmware team to produce lower level code.
We will provide the appropriate amount of details on our portion of the project and assist the project and technical managers with their timelines and budgets. Then we will provide the defined prints and documentation required for suppliers, production, quality, test, service, service, customers or certifications experts.
Just like an audiophile, we fine tune the results by trouble shooting and refining based upon verification and validation testing. Many times, you only need to refine your current product, but sometimes during a project we determine their a potential improvements for future revisions/products.
Fixed Cost | Hourly Rate | Hybrid |
For fixed cost contracts give the customer a firm knowledge of the cost, but they require details that many customers do not have. Plus, we need to add some buffer to account for our risk; however, this gives the customer certainty. | Hourly rates make sense for trouble shooting, business consulting, brain storming, as well as development where you do not have a clearly defined scope of work and deliverables. This is very common. | A hybrid approach can mean that we charge a lower hourly or fixed rate cost, but then we own the rights to the design and you must then go through us for the hardware. This makes sense when your company does not plan on fabricating hardware. |
Please provide as much detail as possible in your initial email.